More Clarity for your clients


More Clarity for your clients

This extensive library of over 40 communication tools has been designed to help you educate current and potential clients. You’ll have access to unbranded content that you can customise with your logo and send to clients on social media.

What’s available?

Newsletter articles

Social media posts



Tools you can customise

Below you’ll find a sample of articles and tools you can customise and use with your clients straight away.

For access to the full suite of over 40 communication tools click here.

Category Topics Tools

Getting started – the value of advice

6 questions to ask a financial adviser
Questions to ask a financial adviser before being covered.

Article & Social media post


Understanding premiums


What’s the difference between stepped and level premiums?
Why this is such an important decision for the cost of cover over time.

Article & Social media post


Building confidence in claims

Do life insurers really pay claims?
Industry statistics that give confidence should a claim need to be made.

Article & Social media post


Wading through complexity

3 things you need to know about life cover
Key life insurance options and what they mean at claim time.

Article & Social media post


Access the library

Make use of the full suite of unbranded communication tools here.