Sample customer communications

The sale of OnePath Life to Zurich Financial Services Australia Limited (Zurich) was completed on 31 May 2019. The sale means that OnePath Life is now owned by Zurich.

Sale of insurance business communications

From 17 April we sent the Change of Ownership communications to customers holding products affected by the sale. Most of these products are direct in nature. You can read a sample of the OneCare letter here.

Successor Fund Transfer confirmation communications

From 1 May we wrote to customers who received a Significant Event Notice (SEN) letter earlier this year to confirm that the SFT has been completed, and that their product is now provided through the Retirement Portfolio Service superannuation fund (RPS) superannuation fund. You can access samples of the SEN letters and booklets below that were delivered to all customers by mid-March 2019



Download supporting information booklets