
See below for frequently asked questions and tips for using this site.

General FAQs

How can I access Product Disclosure Statements and forms?

You can access PDSs and forms on the Forms & brochures page. You can get there via the horizontal menu at the top of this page, or from the links on the individual product pages.

Where can I find fund details, unit prices and performance history?

You can look up fund details and performance on the Performance & updates page. You can get there via the horizontal menu at the top of this page, or from the links on the individual product pages.

How can I find my way around this site?

The site map can help you find the part of the website you’re looking for.

What is the complaint resolution process?

As a valued customer of OnePath, we want you to tell us if any of our products or services have not met your expectations. For any queries or complaints, please follow the three simple steps below for a quick and fair solution.

STEP 1: How to make a complaint, compliment or provide feedback

Our specialists will work closely with you to address your concerns quickly and amicably. We aim to resolve the majority of complaints within a maximum of 10 business days. In cases where your complaint will take longer to resolve, we will update you progressively.

Call us on:
133 665 for Investments and Superannuation products
133 667 for Life Insurance products (OneCare)
132 062 for General Insurance products and all other Life Insurance products
1800 500 229 for direct life insurance products
133 863 for customers of ANZ Investments, Insurance and Superannuation
+61 2 9234 8111 for International clients

Email us at:​

Lodge an online compliment, suggestion or complaint

Write to:
GPO Box 5306
Sydney, NSW 2001

STEP 2: Customer Advocate

Our Response To You
If you are not satisfied with the resolution offered, you can have your complaint reviewed by our Consumer Advocate team, who provide a free, independent review to reach a resolution that is fair to you and to OnePath.

To contact Customer Advocate

Call us on (02) 9234 5521

Email your complaint to:

Write to:
Customer Advocate
GPO Box 5306
Sydney NSW 2001

STEP 3: Further help options

If your concerns have not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a complaint with AFCA who provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.

Time limits may apply to complain to AFCA and so you should act promptly or otherwise consult the AFCA website to find out if or when the time limit relevant to your circumstances expires. The AFCA contact details are:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority

Write to:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001


Phone: 1800 931 678




What are cookies and why do I need them?

Cookies are small data files that allow a website to store information about someone that visits the site. That means the website can recognise you when you return, and remember information such as your name and email address.

Thousands of websites use cookies because they speed up the way you login and retrieve your information. They will not damage files on your PC.

What screen resolution is this site designed for?

The OnePath website is best viewed at a 1024 x 768 or larger screen resolution. Left click on your desktop, select settings and select the appropriate screen resolution.

What browsers do we support?

This website supports the following browsers: PC and Mac platforms -Windows XP, 7, 8, 10; Mac OSX 10.12, with browsers (IE 9 and above; Safari 10; Firefox 53; Chrome 58).

How can I adjust the size of the text on my screen?

To adjust your font size, click on to ’View‘ and ‘Text size’ in the menu at the top of the browser window, then use the font options available to resize your text.

How do I enable Javascript on my computer?

To enable Javascript in your browser, follow the instructions available at

How do I enable Java Applets on my computer?

To enable Java Applets in your browser, follow the instructions available at

What is caching, and how do I clear my cache?

Your web browser caches pages on your hard disk – meaning you automatically store copies of every page you visit on the internet.

The purpose of caching is to speed up the performance of the browser. Web pages that were recently visited are reloaded quickly since the old versions are already in memory.

The downside of caching is that once you've been to a lot of websites, the cache becomes full. This will slow down the performance of your browser.

Another side-effect of caching is that the browser may not display the current versions of web pages when you revisit them. In this case, you'll need to clear your cache.

To clear your cache in Internet Explorer, select the ‘Tools’ menu, then ‘Internet Options’. Click the ‘General’ tab, and then click the ‘Delete Files’ button. Once this is done, click OK.

Where can I download Flash, Internet Explorer or Adobe software?

This site has a lot of documents that are in a ‘pdf’ format. To view these documents you will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. Some of our micro-sites also require Flash plug-ins to see all the content. See below to access the downloads you might need for this site.

Links on this page are to third party software. It is your responsibility to ensure all downloads made from our site, and emails received in your system, are scanned for viruses. While OnePath regularly updates its virus protection software, we cannot ensure malicious virus attacks won't be made against our site.


File Approx size

 Download latest version of Adobe Acrobat


 Download latest version of Internet Explorer


 Download Macromedia Flash


 Download Java

Java software allows you to run applications called ‘applets’ that are written in the Java programming language. These applets allow you to use the calculators on this site.


Need more help?

Please contact Customer Service on 1800 251 588 between 8:30am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday (Sydney time). You will need to have your OnePath Internet User ID available when calling.

Product FAQs

Choose from the list below to access product-specific Frequently Asked Questions.





Account Access

What is My OnePath?

My OnePath is a simple and secure online service that allows you to track and manage your OnePath portfolio online.

  • View your entire OnePath portfolio on one page
  • Access further details on the status of your transactions and claims in progress
  • View your most recent product statements
  • Make online switch requests
  • Update your personal details.

Register now to access your OnePath account online.

Want more information?

Email us at or call Customer Services on 133 665, weekdays between 8:30am and 6:30pm (AEST).

When is My OnePath available?

Account balances and most functions are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, there are times when some services and functions are unavailable.

For a full list of My OnePath hours of operation click here.

Why am I unable to open My OnePath after logging in?

This may be because you have ‘Pop-Up Blockers’ turned on in your Internet Explorer. This would prevent My OnePath from opening. You need to turn off the Pop-Up Blocker, or configure it to accept OnePath’s web pages.

To turn off the Pop-Up Blocker:

1. open Internet Explorer and select 'Tools'
2. select 'Pop-up Blocker'
3. select 'Turn Off Pop-Up Blocker', then 'Close'

If you wish to allow certain website pop-up windows to be displayed, select 'Pop-Up Blocker Settings', type the address (or URL) of the site in 'Address of Web site to allow'.

For example, type in '*', click 'Add', then 'Close' (using the asterisk ensures that all Pop-up windows from the domain are allowed).

If you wish to keep your Pop-Up Blocker turned on permanently, but you want to view certain pop-ups (e.g. My OnePath), hold down the ‘CTRL’ key while the new window opens.

How secure are my online accounts?

The security of your online accounts is very important to OnePath. See our Internet security page for details.

What if I’ve forgotten my password?

Please contact Customer Service on 1800 251 588 between 8:30am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday (Sydney time). You will need to have your OnePath Internet User ID available when calling.

How can I register as a Customer

Account access for customers lets you access your account information:

  • View your investment balances
  • Update your personal contact details
  • Opt out of receiving paper statements

Customer registration

How can I register as an Adviser

Account access for advisers lets you view your client's information:

  • View your client's portfolios
  • Create business reports
  • Set up scheduled reports to suit your needs 
  • Access Life Risk applications

Adviser registration

How can I register as an Employer

EasyTransact: All OnePath employer superannuation clients have access to EasyTransact, OnePath’s time saving online superannuation servicing system. Using EasyTransact you can

  • make easy online contributions,
  • add or remove employees from your plan,
  • access online payment histories and
  • a variety of other employer and member reports

Employer registration

User Guides



Search tips

Enhance your search using dynamic keyword properties

Noise words

Noise words, such as if and the, are ignored in searches.

Quotation marks

Quotation marks may be used around phrases.

For example:

  • finance investment "unit trust"


A search word can contain the wildcard characters * and ?. A ? in a word matches any single character, and a * matches any number of characters. The wildcard characters can be in any position in a word.

For example:

  • inve* would match investor, investment, etc.
  • *nves* would match investor, investment, etc.
  • financ? would match finance but not financial.
  • ap*ed would match applied, approved, etc.
  • Use of the * wildcard character near the beginning of a word will slow searches some what.

AND connector for boolean search requests

Use the AND connector in a search request to connect two expressions, both of which must be found in any document retrieved.

For example:

  • Unit trust and financial planner would retrieve any document that contains both phrases.
  • (unit or trust) and (financial w/5 planner) would retrieve any document that (1) contains either unit OR trust, AND (2) contains financial within 5 words of planner.

OR connector for boolean search requests

Use the OR connector in a search request to connect two expressions, at least one of which must be found in any document retrieved. For example, unit trust or financial planner would retrieve any document that contained unit trust, financial planner, or both.

NOT connector for boolean search requests

Use NOT in front of any search expression to reverse its meaning. This allows you to exclude documents from a search.

For example:

  • Unit trust and not investment
  • unit or not investment

Use search to find phrases or synonyms

Search requests

An “All of the words” search request is where all of the words must be present for a document to be retrieved.
An “Any of the words” search request is any sequence of text, like a sentence or a question.
A “Boolean” search request consists of a group of words and/or phrases linked by connectors such as AND and OR that indicate the relationship between them.

For example:

  • financial and adviser
  • financial or adviser


Synonym searching finds synonyms of a word that you include in a search request.

For example:

  • a search for fast would also find quickly.

To enable synonym searching, choose one of the search request options that includes “(with synonyms)”.

Searching for OnePath Product information

If you know the specific product you wish to search under, select it from the dropdown (e.g. OneAnswer Investment Portfolio).

If you know the suite of products you wish to search under or are unsure of which exact specific within the suite you are looking for, select the whole product suite from the dropdown (e.g. OneAnswer Suite).

Otherwise, you can leave “All products” as the option within the dropdown and the search engine will search for your criteria within all products.

Narrow your search by using categories

If you know the exact type of publication you are looking for, you can select it from the dropdown. For example, if you wish to search for your keywords/products for the purposes of completing an application form select “Forms” from the dropdown.

If you want to see all publication types then leave “All categories” as the option within this dropdown.

Search for Document types

If you are looking for a specific document type please select it from this dropdown. For example, if you are searching for a tool of some sort there is a good chance it is a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet or if you are looking for a brochure it is bound to be an Adobe Acrobat document (PDF). If you want to see all document types then leave “All document types” as the option within this dropdown.

Limit search results to show only search titles

If you are searching for keywords that may appear anywhere within the complete document then leave “Full text” as the option within this dropdown. However, if you want to be sure that your keywords are an integral part of this document such as “insurance” being the actual subject of the document then there is a good chance it would appear in the document title, in this case select “Title only” from this dropdown.

Display multiple search results

Depending on your personal preference you can choose the amount of search results you would like to appear per page, select from 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 items per page. “10 items per page” is the default.

Sort results by relevance

Depending on your personal preference you can choose what order you would like the search results to be sorted by.

  • “Importance (descending)” is the default.