Integra Super

Integra Super is a comprehensive employer super solution that's easy to use, provides exceptional value and offers leading member services. Please note, Integra Super is now closed to new employers.

There is no change for existing members who have selected their own investment strategy or a default member currently invested in a capital guaranteed or cash investment option.

New members to existing plans will have an ANZ Smart Choice Super account opened for them.


Let OnePath take the pressure off your staff super

When managing a business, administering staff super for your employees can be costly, time consuming and the last thing on your mind.

Outsourcing your employer super needs to an expert like OnePath means you can focus on the immediate demands of your business and less on the complicated and often time-consuming management of staff super.

Integra Super is OnePath’s comprehensive employer super solution that’s easy to use, provides exceptional value and offers leading member services.

Place your super in good hands

Integra Super has been recognised by Australia's leading independent financial research companies as one of the best employer super offerings in the market.


  • The Heron Partnership 2013, 5 Quality Star Rating*
  • SelectingSuper Quality Rating of AAA^


 Selecting Super

* The Heron Partnership. For details visit
^ The Rainmaker Group, SelectingSuper Fund Quality Assessment. For more information visit


Type of fee or cost

Amount (after-tax)

Establishment Fee
Contribution Fee
Termination Fee
Member Fee

Withdrawal Fee
Investment Management Fee

Up to 7.06%* (6.00% after tax)
Nil for account balances greater than $30,000
$51 p.a (net) for plans actively using EasyTransact
$80.75 p.a (net) for plans not actively using EasyTransact

$60 ($51 net)
0.29% p.a to 1.53% p.a

Administration Fee†

Fees are discounted on a sliding scale dependent on the total plan balance.

Administration Fee of up to 1.89% p.a (1.61% p.a after tax). This may be tiered based on the total employer plan balance or set at a flat rate.

A fee of 1.29% p.a (1.10% p.a after tax is calculated and deducted from the assets of the investment fund and included in the investment fund’s daily unit price.

In addition, an Administration Fee adjustment (rebate or additional fee) may be applicable based on the employer plan balance. The Administration Fee paid will not exceed a total of 1.89% p.a (1.61% p.a after tax).

A flat Administration Fee commission may have been negotiated between the employer and adviser and is payable to the adviser.

Upon the member’s transfer through to Integra Super Personal, the Administration Fee is tiered as per the table below:





First $100,000
Next $100,000
Next $100,000
Next $200,000
Amounts over $500,000

1.29% p.a.
1.06% p.a.
1.00% p.a.
0.94% p.a.
0.82% p.a.

(1.10% p.a.)
(0.90% p.a.)
(0.85% p.a.)
(0.80% p.a.)
(0.70% p.a.)

Investment Switching Fee§

Not Applicable

The above information is summary only. For full details of fees and costs please refer to the Integra Super Product Disclosure Statement, Member, Investment Choice and Insurance Guides.

*For a member of a plan that commenced after 1 October 1998, the maximum Contribution Fee is up to 5% (4.25% after tax).
†This fee includes an amount payable to the employer plan’s financial adviser.
§May incur a buy/sell spread when the money moves in or out of an investment fund

Comprehensive insurance options

Integra Super insurance cover is provided be the award winning insurer – OnePath Life Limited. The insurance cover options include:

  • Death Only (including Terminal Illness)
  • Death (including Terminal Illness) & Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD)
  • Group Salary Continuance (GSC) with the flexibility of either a two year or to age 65 benefit period.

Note: TPD Only cover is not available.
Integra Super provides you with the flexibility of choosing between Standard Cover and Tailored Cover for Death and TPD. GSC is also available for selection where you are able to choose between a two year or to age 65 benefit period. An established staff super plan may have been provided with an Automatic Acceptance Level (AAL). An AAL is a specified amount of insurance cover available to eligible staff without them needing to provide evidence of good health.

If you did not establish cover at the commencement of your staff super plan, it may have been automatically established with two units of Standard Death and TPD default insurance cover (two units of cover). This is the basic level of insurance protection provided for all members of the plan, regardless of their occupation, upon joining.

Wide investment choice

Integra Super offers a wide investment menu consisting of over 55 different investment funds from a wide range of investment styles and asset classes. These include single manager, multi-manager, sector specific, diversified, index, ethical, domestic and international investment funds.

Highly Rated

Integra Super has been recognised by Australia’s leading independent financial research companies as one of the best staff super offerings in the small business market. Integra Super's achievements include:


  • The Heron Partnership 2013, 5 Quality Star Rating*
  • Selecting Super Quality Rating of AAA^


Heron 5 Star Selecting Super

Learn more about OnePath's Integra Super, and how to set up your staff super plan with OnePath.

The Heron Partnership. For details visit
^ The Rainmaker Group, SelectingSuper Fund Quality Assessment. For more information visit

+ Integra Super is not designed for employers with more than 20% casual employees or high staff turnover (more than 30% p.a)

Contact details

Issuer name

OnePath Custodians Pty Limited
ABN 12 008 508 496
AFSL 238346
RSE L0000673

Head Office

347 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Postal Address

GPO Box 5306
Sydney NSW 2001

Enquiries - 1300 550 805 (8:30am to 5:30pm Mon - Fri (Sydney time))
Existing customers - 133 665 (8:30am to 6:30pm Mon - Fri (Sydney time))

* Integra Super is not designed for employers with more than 20% casual employees or high staff turnover (more than 30% per annum).

Fund performance





Forms & brochures


Product update Date

  End of financial year 2017 - documents availability (248kB PDF)

July 2017

  Federal Budget 2016/17 - proposals now law. (111kB PDF)

June 2017

  End of financial year - Key dates (343kB PDF)

June 2017

  Product Update - 2017 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (82kB PDF)

May 2017

  Changes to investment structure for Vanguard Funds (28kB PDF)

September 2016

  End of financial year 2016 – documents availability (60kB PDF)

September 2016

  Integra Super Standard Risk Measures 2016 (60kB PDF)

August 2016

  End of financial year - key dates (87kB PDF)

June 2016

  Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy and Stronger Super Levy (87kB PDF)

April 2016

  Insurance - update to the Duty of disclosure for new and existing members (87kB PDF)

December 2015

  Changes to strategic asset allocation for Perpetual funds (87kB PDF)

November 2015

  UBS name change November 2015 (60kB PDF)

November 2015

  Changes to the OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund (42kB PDF)

September 2015

  End of financial year document availability update  (159kB PDF)

September 2015

  UK Pension Transfers to the OnePath MasterFund (42kB PDF)

August 2015

  End of financial year document availability  (159kB PDF)

July 2015

  Important information: Employer contribution obligations for SuperStream compliance (262kB PDF)

July 2015

  End of financial year cut-off times  (262kB PDF)

May 2015

  Product Update - 2015 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (20kB PDF)

May 2015

  New underlying investment manager for the OnePath Global Shares Fund (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  New underlying investment manager for the OnePath Global Shares Fund (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  Corporate Super/Integra BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth Fund   (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  New underlying investment manager for the OnePath Global Emerging Markets Shares Fund (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  Changes to strategic asset allocation for Perpetual funds  (20kB PDF)

October 2014

  2014 Annual Statements - Additional explanatory notes  (20kB PDF)

October 2014

  SIS Act Superannuation Insurance Changes  (20kB PDF)

July 2014

  Privacy law changes (20kB PDF)

March 2014

  Removal of member protection on small balance superannuation accounts (20kB PDF)

December 2013

  2013 Annual Statements – additional explanatory notes  (63kB PDF)

August 2013

 Government increases to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (143kB PDF)

August 2013

 Update to Product Disclosure Statement: Standard Risk Measures (104kB PDF)

July 2013

 Change of underlying fund for the AXA Global Equity Value Fund (63kB PDF)

July 2013

 Reduction to Withdrawal Fee from 1 July 2013 (104kB PDF)

July 2013

 Product update and continuous disclosure (44kB PDF)

July 2013

 OnePath and OptiMix Diversified Funds – updated disclosure for Alternative Assets (45kB PDF)

July 2013

 BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund update – transition to a replacement fund (41kB PDF)

June 2013

 Strategic asset allocation changes to the OnePath Capital Stable and One Path Capital Guaranteed Funds (41kB PDF)

June 2013

 BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund - termination date extended (47kB PDF)

April 2013

 Update – BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund (41kB PDF)

March 2013

 AXA funds to adopt AMP branding (44kB PDF)

November 2012

 2012 Annual Statements – additional explanatory notes (57kB PDF)

September 2012

 Product Disclosure Statements – legislation changes 2012 (42kB PDF)

July 2012

 Update on Challenger – introducing Fidante Partners (30 kB PDF)

June 2012

 Strategic asset allocation changes to BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth fund  (49kB PDF)

April 2012

 Corporate Super and Integra Super - product update February 2012 (49kB PDF)

February 2012

 OnePath Significant Event Notice 27 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

 OnePath Significant Event Notice 17 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

Notification of termination and wind-up of investment funds (32 kB PDF)

February 2012

Change to underlying manager of international shares for Perpetual funds (54kB PDF)

September 2011

2011 Annual Statements - additional explanatory notes (64kB PDF)

July 2011

Important update – OnePath Protected Growth Fund and OnePath Protected Growth Fund No.2 (58kB PDF)

July 2011

Schroder Balanced fund (70kB PDF)

April 2011

The information provided above is a brief outline of the major features of Integra Super. It is intended as a quick and easy reference source for investors. The data should not be used as a substitute for reading the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) prior to you making any decision to invest through Integra Super.

The PDS is issued by OnePath Custodians Pty Limited (OnePath Custodians) ABN 12 008 508 496 AFSL 238346 RSE L0000673.

You should read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available here and consider whether this product is right for you. It is also necessary to consider the type of returns required to be achieved, the levels of risk necessary to achieve those returns, and how long the investment should be held. The information provided is of a general nature and does not take into account your personal needs and financial circumstances. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.