Super & Investments Product updates


Product update Date

 Estimated Unit Price Availability dates (119 kB)

September 2021

 Customer Notice - OneAnswer Frontier index option investment menu changes (111 kB)

September 2021

 Customer Notice - OneAnswer index option investment menu changes (122 kB)

September 2021

 PDS Update - new Adviser Service Fee Type for OneAnswer Frontier (339 kB)

September 2021

 Product Update - new Adviser Service Fee Type for OneAnswer (330 kB)

September 2021

 Customer Notice & PDS Update – More Flexible Super changes (330 kB)

August 2021

 PDS Update – OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund enhancements (330 kB)

July 2021

 Customer Notice – Updated Annual Standard Risk Measures (330 kB)

July 2021

 Customer Notice – OneAnswer Alternatives Growth Fund Portfolio Improvements (338 kB)

July 2021

 Product Update - OneAnswer advice fee changes 1 July 2021 (338 kB)

July 2021

 PDS Update – Minimum Pension Relief continues into 2021/22 (121 kB)

July 2021

 Customer Notice – Reduction of the minimum pension continues into 2021/22 (175 kB)

June 2021

 Customer Notice – Federal Budget 2021/22  (173 kB)

June 2021

 Customer Notice - OneAnswer and OptiMix Investment fund changes (173 kB)

May 2021

 Customer Notice - OptiMix Update – Changes to Manager Exposures (114 kB)

May 2021

 Customer Notice - OnePath and OptiMix Diversified Funds: review of asset allocation (237 kB)

May 2021

 Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) Update – Vanguard and OnePath index funds (119 kB)

May 2021

 Customer Notice - Vanguard and OnePath index funds   (125kB PDF)

May 2021

 OneAnswer - ceasing super transfers to Eligible Rollover Funds (125kB PDF)

May 2021

 Updated OneAnswer Frontier products addition of Ardea Real Outcome fund (394kB PDF)

March 2021

 OneAnswer Investment Portfolio addition of Ardea Real Outcome fund (393kB PDF)

February 2021

 OneAnswer Frontier products addition of Ardea Real Outcome fund (392kB PDF)

February 2021

 OneAnswer and OneAnswer Frontier Investment Portfolio capital gain distributions (400kB PDF)

January 2021

  Optimix Update – Changes to Underlying Managers  (170kB PDF)

December 2020

  Updated Indirect Costs – OneAnswer Frontier products(400kB PDF)

December 2020

 Updated Indirect Costs and Ongoing Fees– OneAnswer Investment Portfolio (400kB PDF)

December 2020

 Updated Indirect Costs and Ongoing Fees – OneAnswer Investment Portfolio//Select (400kB PDF)

December 2020

  Janus Henderson Global Fixed Interest Total Return Termination (400kB PDF)

December 2020

  OneAnswer Investment Fund Profile Changes (150kB PDF)

December 2020

  Updated OneAnswer Standard Risk Measure (289kB PDF)

November 2020

  Changes to contribution eligibility rules (198kB PDF)

July 2020

  OneAnswer Buy/Sell spread update (198kB PDF)

June 2020

  OneAnswer Frontier Pension – pension minimums (PDS Update) (356kB PDF)

April 2020

  Buy/Sell update – OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund (440kB PDF)

April 2020

  Buy/Sell Spread Update (including PDS Update) (445kB PDF)

April 2020

  OneAnswer Buy/sell spread update (208kB PDF)

March 2020

  Customer Notice - BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth Fund (142kB PDF)

February 2020

  Investment objective change - OnePath Capital Stable (133kB PDF)

January 2020

  Customer Notice – Investment profile changes (133kB PDF)

December 2019

  Customer Notice - Updated Indirect Costs - OneAnswer Frontier Investment Portfolio (155kB PDF)

December 2019

  Customer Notice - Updated Indirect Costs - OneAnswer Investment Portfolio (262kB PDF)

December 2019

  Customer Notice - Updated Indirect Costs - OneAnswer Frontier Investment Portfolio Select (204kB PDF)

December 2019

  Customer Notice – Change of Ownership (172kB PDF)

December 2019

  EOFY 2019 - Statement Availability (89kB PDF)

September 2019

  Updated OneAnswer Standard Risk Measure (289kB PDF)

July 2019

  OneAnswer Investment Fund profile update  (382kB PDF)

June 2019

  PDS Update – Change of Ownership. OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super and Pension  (270kB PDF)

June 2019

  EOFY 2019 - contribution cut-off dates  (270kB PDF)

May 2019

  PDS Update – Goods and Services Tax (GST) (270kB PDF)

April 2019

  PDS Update - OnePath Tax Effective Income Fund (123kB PDF)

March 2019

  Investment manager replacement for some OnePath Tax Effective Income Fund strategies (92kB PDF)

March 2019

  A new single manager approach for OptiMix Global Smaller Companies Shares (92kB PDF)

March 2019

  Replacement of the investment manager for some OnePath Tax Effective Income Fund strategies (209kB PDF)

March 2019

  OneAnswer PDS Update – OptiMix Global Smaller Companies Shares (117kB PDF)

March 2019

  A new single manager approach for OptiMix Global Smaller Companies Shares (57kB PDF)

March 2019

  Product Disclosure Statement Update – OptMix Global Smaller Companies Shares (117kB PDF)

March 2019

  Customer Notice - OneAnswer Janus Henderson fund suspension (333kB PDF)

February 2019

  OneAnswer Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) update - Fund Suspension (364kB PDF)

February 2019

  Adviser Update - Janus Henderson Fund Suspension (359kB PDF)

February 2019

  Customer Notice - Updated Indirect Costs - OneAnswer Frontier Investment Portfolio (87kB PDF)

December 2018

  Customer Notice - Updated Indirect Costs - OneAnswer Investment Portfolio (87kB PDF)

December 2018

  Indirect costs for OneAnswer Frontier (572kB PDF)

December 2018

  Indirect costs for OneAnswer Investment Portfolio (576kB PDF)

December 2018

  Indirect costs for OneAnswer Personal Super and Pension (604kB PDF)

December 2018

  Indirect costs for OneAnswer Investment Portfolio //Select (576kB PDF)

December 2018

  OneAnswer fund name changes (91kB PDF)

November 2018

  Product Disclosure Statement Update – OneAnswer fund name changes
(102kB PDF)

November 2018

  New Investment manager for OnePath Australian Share funds
(97kB PDF)

August 2018

  Product Disclosure Statement Update - new investment managers (96.4kB PDF)

August 2018

  Updated OneAnswer Standard Risk Measure (369kB PDF)

July 2018

  End of financial year 2018 – Contribution cut-off times for all locations (364kB PDF)

June 2018

  Updated information - OneAnswer Transition to Retirement accounts (204kB PDF)

June 2018

  OnePath expense recovery notice (248kB PDF)

May 2018

  OptiMix Enhanced Cash Trust - removal of an investment manager (84kB PDF)

January 2018

  Name change for the Henderson Global Investor Funds (76kB PDF)

December 2017

  OneAnswer – closure of selected investment funds (84kB PDF)

December 2017

  Changes to the OneAnswer - BlackRock Balanced Fund (96kB PDF)

December 2017

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds: review of asset allocation ranges (172kB PDF)

  Enhancements to the OneAnswer investment menu – replacement funds (156kB PDF)

September 2017

  Changes to Tax Effective Income Trust (232kB PDF)

September 2017

  Changes to the underlying funds of the OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund (112kB PDF)

September 2017

  Investment strategy change to the OnePath Global Property Securities Fund (96kB PDF)

September 2017

  Updated OneAnswer Standard Risk Measure (88kB PDF)

September 2017

  Changes to OneAnswer Zurich Investments Global Thematic Shares fund (96kB PDF)

August 2017

  Changes to strategic asset allocation for OneAnswer Vanguard diversified funds (120kB PDF)

July 2017

  End of financial year 2017 - documents availability (248kB PDF)

July 2017

  Federal Budget 2016/17 - proposals now law. (111kB PDF)

June 2017

  End of financial year - Key dates (343kB PDF)

June 2017

  Product Update - 2017 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (82kB PDF)

May 2017

  Underlying fund changes - Goldman Sachs Income Plus Fund (248kB PDF)

April 2017

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds investment objective changes (100kB PDF)

February 2017

  OptiMix Geared Australian Share Fund investment strategy change (228kB PDF)

February 2017

  OnePath Balanced Trust September 2016 distribution (144kB PDF)

September 2016

  OneAnswer Frontier Investment portfolio - Significant Investor Visa (1.62MB PDF)

September 2016

  End of financial year 2016 – documents availability (60kB PDF)

September 2016

  OneAnswer Standard Risk Measures 2016 (68kB PDF)

August 2016

  End of financial year - key dates (87kB PDF)

June 2016

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds: review of asset allocation ranges (80kB PDF)

May 2016

  Vanguard investment funds - Special distributions paid on 4 May 2016 (87kB PDF)

May 2016

  Changes to investment structure for Vanguard funds (60kB PDF)

May 2016

  Name changes for some invesment options (87kB PDF)

May 2016

  OneAnswer Investment Menu Changes (60kB PDF)

May 2016

  Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy and Stronger Super Levy (87kB PDF)

April 2016

  OneAnswer insurance update (60kB PDF)

February 2016

  Insurance - update to the Duty of disclosure for new and existing members (87kB PDF)

December 2015

  Early access to superannuation for people with terminal medical condition (60kB PDF)

November 2015

  Change to the distribution frequency for BT Core Australian Shares (87kB PDF)

November 2015

  Changes to strategic asset allocation for Perpetual funds (87kB PDF)

November 2015

  UBS name change (60kB PDF)

November 2015

  Investment portfolio update to June quarterly statements (262kB PDF)

September 2015

  Changes to the OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund  (42kB PDF)

September 2015

  End of financial year document availability update (262kB PDF)

September 2015

  UK Pension Transfers to the OnePath MasterFund (42kB PDF)

August 2015

  Hedging policy change for the underlying fund of the OneAnswer T. Rowe Price Global Equity Fund  (38kB PDF)

July 2015

  End of financial year document availability  (159kB PDF)

July 2015

  Important information: Employer contribution obligations for SuperStream compliance (262kB PDF)

July 2015

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus funds – additional information (261kB PDF)

June 2015

  End of financial year cut-off times  (262kB PDF)

May 2015

  Product Update - 2015 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy  (262kB PDF)

May 2015

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus funds – additional information  (262kB PDF)

March 2015

  Continuous Disclosure Notice – Performance Benchmark Changes  (24kB PDF)

February 2015

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus funds – additional information  (48kB PDF)

December 2014

  Changes to strategic asset allocation for Perpetual funds   (48kB PDF)

October 2014

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus funds – additional information  (48kB PDF)

September 2014


  SIS Act Superannuation Insurance Changes  (48kB PDF)

July 2014

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus funds – additional information  (48kB PDF)

June 2014

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds alternative assets allocation range review (Investment Portfolio)  (48kB PDF)

June 2014

  OneAnswer Personal Super and Pension investment menu improvements (48kB PDF)

June 2014

  OneAnswer Investment Portfolio investment menu improvements  (48kB PDF)

May 2014

  New underlying investment manager for the OnePath Global Shares Fund  (28kB PDF)

May 2014

  New investment manager for the OnePath Global Emerging Markets Shares Fund  (20kB PDF)

May 2014

  Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy  (47kB PDF)

April 2014

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus funds – additional information  (20kB PDF)

March 2014

  OneAnswer BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth Fund  (47kB PDF)

March 2014

  Privacy law changes (20kB PDF)

March 2014

  OneAnswer Kapstream Absolute Return Fund  (47kB PDF)

February 2014

  Enhanced disclosure for hedge funds (20kB PDF)

February 2014

  Challenger Howard Mortgages Fund - January 2014 update  (47kB PDF)

January 2014

  Removal of member protection on small balance superannuation accounts (20kB PDF)

December 2013

  Changes to Vanguard diversified funds (47kB PDF)

December 2013

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus funds – additional information December 2013 (143kB PDF)

December 2013

  Changes to OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds (Investments) (77kB PDF)

November 2013

  Changes to OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds (Superannuation) (143kB PDF)

November 2013

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus funds – additional information  (63kB PDF)

September 2013

  Government increases to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (143kB PDF)

August 2013

  OneAnswer - investment menu changes (63kB PDF)

July 2013

  OneAnswer Standard Risk Measure fact sheet and methodology (41kB PDF)

July 2013

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus Funds - Additional Information  (267kB PDF)

June 2013

  OneAnswer BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund update – transition to a replacement fund (63kB PDF)

June 2013

  OneAnswer Personal Super and Pension and OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super and Pension – OnePath and OptiMix Diversified Funds – updated disclosure for Alternative Assets (41kB PDF)

June 2013

  OneAnswer Investment Portfolio and OneAnswer Frontier Investment Portfolio OnePath and OptiMix Diversified Funds – updated disclosure for Alternative Assets  (47kB PDF)

May 2013

  Strategic asset allocation changes to the OnePath Capital Stable Fund  (41kB PDF)

May 2013

  OneAnswer BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund - termination date extended (47kB PDF)

April 2013

  OnePath Mortgages Fund – Important information on underlying investments (41kB PDF)

April 2013

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus Funds - Additional Information (45.1kB PDF)

March 2013

  Update – OneAnswer BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund (41kB PDF)

March 2013

  OneAnswer AXA Australian Property Fund - return of balance  (41kB PDF)

February 2013

  Change of distribution frequency for some investment funds (56kB PDF)

January 2013

  OnePath Mortgages Fund – Important information on underlying investments (41kB PDF)

January 2013

  Mortgage and Income Plus Funds - Additional Information (229kB PDF)

December 2012

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus Funds – Additional Information (131kB PDF)

November 2012

  AXA funds to adopt AMP branding (44kB PDF)

November 2012

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus Funds – Additional Information (130kB PDF)

August 2012

  Product Disclosure Statements – legislation changes 2012 (42kB PDF)

July 2012

  OnePath Active Growth and OnePath Conservative funds – Strategic Asset Allocation changes (49kB PDF)

June 2012

  Update on Challenger – introducing Fidante Partners (43kB PDF)

June 2012

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus Funds – Additional Information (80kB PDF)

May 2012

  Strategic asset allocation changes to BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth fund (30kB PDF)

April 2012

  Change of distribution frequency for some investment funds (21kB PDF)

February 2012

  OneAnswer product update February 2012 (64kB PDF)

February 2012

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus Funds – Additional Information (81kB PDF)

February 2012

  OnePath Significant Event Notice 27 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

  OnePath Significant Event Notice 17 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

  OnePath Expense Recovery Notice (68kB PDF)

February 2012

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus Funds – Additional Information (155kB PDF)

November 2011

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus Funds – Additional Information (85kB PDF)

August 2011

  2011 Annual Statements - additional explanatory notes (64kB PDF)

July 2011

  OnePath Mortgage and Income Plus Funds – Additional Information (381kB PDF)

May 2011

Untitled Document


Product update Date

 Product Update - new Adviser Service Fee Type for OptiMix (339 kB)

September 2021

 EOFY 2021 – Statement Availability (338 kB)

July 2021

 Product Update - OptiMix advice fee changes 1 July (343 kB)

July 2021

 Customer Notice – Reduction of the minimum pension continues into 2021/22 (175 kB)

June 2021

 Customer Notice – Federal Budget 2021/22 (173 kB)

June 2021

 Customer Notice - OneAnswer and OptiMix Investment fund changes (173 kB)

May 2021

 Customer Notice - OptiMix Update – Changes to Manager Exposures (114 kB)

May 2021

 Customer Notice - OnePath and OptiMix Diversified Funds: review of asset allocation (237 kB)

May 2021

  Optimix Update – Changes to Underlying Managers  (170kB PDF)

December 2020

  Buy/Sell update - OptiMix Wholesale Australian Fixed Interest Trust (170kB PDF)

June 2020

  Buy/Sell update – OnePath and OptiMix Wholesale Trusts (172kB PDF)

June 2020

  Buy/ Sell update - OptiMix OnePath & OptiMix Wholesale Trusts (180kB PDF)

April 2020

  Buy/ Sell update - OptiMix Wholesale Australian Fixed Interest (180kB PDF)

March 2020

  Customer Notice – Change of Ownership (172kB PDF)

December 2019

  EOFY 2019 - Statement Availability (89kB PDF)

September 2019

  A new single manager approach for OptiMix Global Smaller Companies Shares (92kB PDF)

March 2019

  PDS Updates - OptiMix Wholesale Global Smaller Companies Share Trust (89kB PDF)

March 2019

  A new single manager approach for OptiMix Global Smaller Companies Shares (57kB PDF)

March 2019

  OnePath expense recovery notice (248kB PDF)

May 2018

  OptiMix Enhanced Cash Trust - removal of an investment manager (84kB PDF)

January 2018

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds: review of asset allocation ranges (172kB PDF)

September 2017

  Changes to Tax Effective Income Trust (232kB PDF)

September 2017

  Federal Budget 2016/17 - proposals now law. (111kB PDF)

June 2017

  Product Update - 2017 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (82kB PDF)

May 2017

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds investment objective changes (216kB PDF)

February 2017

  OptiMix Geared Australian Share Fund investment strategy change (228kB PDF)

February 2017

  OptiMix and OnePath (Wholesale) diversified funds: review of asset allocation ranges (68kB PDF)

May 2016

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds: review of asset allocation ranges (80kB PDF)

May 2016

  Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy and Stronger Super Levy (87kB PDF)

April 2016

  OptiMix insurance update (262kB PDF)

February 2016

  UK Pension Transfers to the OnePath MasterFund (42kB PDF)

August 2015

  Important information: Employer contribution obligations for SuperStream compliance (262kB PDF)

July 2015

  Product Update - 2015 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (20kB PDF)

May 2015

  SIS Act Superannuation Insurance Changes  (48kB PDF)

July 2014

  Product Disclosure Statement update - OptiMix Wholesale Trusts (20kB PDF)

July 2014

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds alternative assets allocation range review (Investment Portfolio)  (48kB PDF)

June 2014

  Privacy law changes (20kB PDF)

March 2014

  Product Disclosure Statement Update – OptiMix Wholesale Trust (77kB PDF)

December 2013

  Removal of member protection on small balance superannuation accounts (20kB PDF)

December 2013

  Changes to OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds (77kB PDF)

November 2013

  2013 Annual Statements – additional explanatory notes  (63kB PDF)

August 2013

  OnePath and OptiMix Diversified Funds – updated disclosure for Alternative Assets (77kB PDF)

May 2013

  Change of distribution frequency for some investment funds (21kB PDF)

February 2012

  OnePath Significant Event Notice - ANZ acquires OptiMix (77kB PDF)

February 2012

  2011 Annual Statements - additional explanatory notes (64kB PDF)

July 2011

  Government announces changes to the minimum drawdown relief for pensions (90kB PDF)

May 2011

  Improvements to OnePath’s transaction processing (64kb PDF)

March 2011

OnePath Wholesale investment trusts

Product update Date

 Customer Notice – OnePath Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest Trust (136 kB)

September 2021

 PDS Update – OnePath Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest Trust (110 kB)

September 2021

 Customer Notice – OnePath Wholesale Diversified Credit Trust (135 kB)

September 2021

 PDS Update – OnePath Wholesale Diversified Credit Trust (110 kB)

September 2021

 PDS Update – OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund enhancements (338 kB)

July 2021

 EOFY 2021 – Statement Availability (338 kB)

July 2021

 Customer Notice – Federal Budget 2021/22 (173 kB)

June 2021

 Customer notice - Underlying fund manager change (192kB PDF)

May 2021

 Customer Notice - Vanguard and OnePath index funds   (125kB PDF)

May 2021

  Buy/Sell update - OptiMix Wholesale Australian Fixed Interest Trust (170kB PDF)

June 2020

  Buy/Sell update – OnePath and OptiMix Wholesale Trusts (172kB PDF)

June 2020

  Buy/Sell update – OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund (440kB PDF)

April 2020

  Buy/ Sell update - OptiMix OnePath & OptiMix Wholesale Trusts (180kB PDF)

April 2020

  Buy/ Sell update - OnePath Wholesale Diversified Credit (185kB PDF)

March 2020

  Buy/ Sell update - OptiMix Wholesale Australian Fixed Interest (180kB PDF)

March 2020

  Investment objective change - OnePath Capital Stable (133kB PDF)

January 2020

  Customer Notice – Change of Ownership (172kB PDF)

December 2019

  EOFY 2019 - Statement Availability (89kB PDF)

September 2019

  PDS Update - OnePath Tax Effective Income Trust – Wholesale Class (84kB PDF)

March 2019

  Investment manager replacement for some OnePath Tax Effective Income Fund strategies (92kB PDF)

March 2019

  Replacement of the investment manager for some OnePath Tax Effective Income Fund strategies (209kB PDF)

March 2019

 OptiMix Wholesale Property Securities Trust – Class B Units (392kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Property Securities Trust – Class A Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Moderate Trust – Class B Units (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Moderate Trust – Class A Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale High Growth Trust – Class B Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale High Growth Trust – Class A Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Growth Trust – Class B Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Growth Trust – Class A Units (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Global Share Trust – Class B Units (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Global Share Trust – Class A Units (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Conservative Trust – Class B Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Conservative Trust – Class A Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Balanced Trust – Class B Units (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Balanced Trust – Class A Units (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Australian Share Trust – Class B Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Australian Share Trust – Class A Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Australian Fixed Interest Trust – Class B Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OptiMix Wholesale Australian Fixed Interest Trust – Class A Units (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Sustainable Australian Share Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Select Leaders Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Property Securities Trust (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Managed Growth Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale High Growth Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Global Emerging Markets Share Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Emerging Companies Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Diversified High Yield Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Capital Stable Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Blue Chip Imputation Trust (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Balanced Trust (3987kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Australian Share Trust (387kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Tax Effective Income Trust – Wholesale Class (386kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund (375kB PDF)

December 2018

 OnePath Wholesale Geared Australian Shares Index Trust (3788kB PDF)

December 2018

  Update to additional information guide for OnePath & OptiMix Wholesale Trusts Buy-Sell Spreads (184kB PDF)

December 2018

  OneAnswer fund name changes (91kB PDF)

November 2018

  Product Disclosure Statement Update – OnePath Wholesale Diversified High Yield Trust (82kB PDF)

November 2018

  New Investment manager for OnePath Australian Share funds (97kB PDF)

August 2018

  Product Disclosure Statements Update -new investment managers (93.2kB PDF)

August 2018

  OnePath expense recovery notice (248kB PDF)

May 2018

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds: review of asset allocation ranges (172kB PDF)

September 2017

  Changes to Tax Effective Income Trust (232kB PDF)

September 2017

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds investment objective changes (216kB PDF)

February 2017

  OptiMix Geared Australian Share Fund investment strategy change (228kB PDF)

February 2017

  OnePath Wholesale Balanced Trust September 2016 distribution (144kB PDF)

September 2016

  OnePath and OptiMix Wholesale Investment Trusts - Significant Investor Visa (284kB PDF)

September 2016

  Wholesale Investment Trust Standard Risk Measures 2016 (24kB PDF)

August 2016

  OptiMix and OnePath (Wholesale) diversified funds: review of asset allocation ranges (68kB PDF)

May 2016

  Product Disclosure Statement update - OptiMix Wholesale Trusts (20kB PDF)

July 2014

  OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds alternative assets allocation range review (Investment Portfolio)  (48kB PDF)

June 2014

  New investment manager for the OnePath Global Emerging Markets Shares Fund  (20kB PDF)

May 2014

  Privacy law changes (20kB PDF)

March 2014

 Changes to OptiMix and OnePath diversified funds (77kB PDF)

November 2013

 OnePath and OptiMix Diversified Funds – updated disclosure for Alternative Assets (77kB PDF)

May 2013

 Strategic asset allocation changes to the OnePath Wholesale Capital Stable Trust (68kB PDF)

May 2013

 OnePath Significant Event Notice 27 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

 OnePath Significant Event Notice 17 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

Important update – OnePath Protected Growth Fund and OnePath Protected Growth Fund No.2 (58kB PDF)

July 2011

Improvements to OnePath’s transaction processing (64kb PDF)

March 2011

Integra Super

Product update Date

 Customer Notice & PDS Update – More Flexible Super changes (330 kB)

August 2021

 EOFY 2021 – Statement Availability (338 kB)

July 2021

 Customer Notice – Federal Budget 2021/22 (173 kB)

June 2021

  Integra Buy/sell spread Update (184 kB PDF)

March 2020

  EOFY 2019 - Statement Availability (89kB PDF)

September 2019

  EOFY 2019 - contribution cut-off dates  (270kB PDF)

May 2019

  End of financial year 2018 - Contribution cut-off times for all locations (364kB PDF)

June 2018

  End of financial year 2017 - documents availability. (248kB PDF)

July 2017

  Federal Budget 2016/17 - proposals now law. (111kB PDF)

June 2017

  End of financial year - Key dates (343kB PDF)

June 2017

  Product Update - 2017 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (82kB PDF)

May 2017

  Changes to investment structure for Vanguard Funds (28kB PDF)

September 2016

  End of financial year 2016 – documents availability (60kB PDF)

September 2016

  Integra Super Standard Risk Measures 2016 (60kB PDF)

August 2016

  End of financial year - key dates (87kB PDF)

June 2016

  Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy and Stronger Super Levy (87kB PDF)

April 2016

  Insurance - update to the Duty of disclosure for new and existing members (87kB PDF)

December 2015

  Changes to strategic asset allocation for Perpetual funds (87kB PDF)

November 2015

  UBS name change November 2015 (60kB PDF)

November 2015

  Changes to the OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund (42kB PDF)

September 2015

  End of financial year document availability update  (159kB PDF)

September 2015

  UK Pension Transfers to the OnePath MasterFund (42kB PDF)

August 2015

  End of financial year document availability  (159kB PDF)

July 2015

  Important information: Employer contribution obligations for SuperStream compliance (262kB PDF)

July 2015

  End of financial year cut-off times  (262kB PDF)

May 2015

  Product Update - 2015 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (20kB PDF)

May 2015

  New underlying investment manager for the OnePath Global Shares Fund (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  New underlying investment manager for the OnePath Global Shares Fund (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  Corporate Super/Integra BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth Fund   (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  New underlying investment manager for the OnePath Global Emerging Markets Shares Fund (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  Changes to strategic asset allocation for Perpetual funds  (20kB PDF)

October 2014

  2014 Annual Statements - Additional explanatory notes  (20kB PDF)

October 2014

  SIS Act Superannuation Insurance Changes  (20kB PDF)

July 2014

  Privacy law changes (20kB PDF)

March 2014

  Removal of member protection on small balance superannuation accounts (20kB PDF)

December 2013

  2013 Annual Statements – additional explanatory notes  (63kB PDF)

August 2013

 Government increases to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (143kB PDF)

August 2013

 Update to Product Disclosure Statement: Standard Risk Measures (104kB PDF)

July 2013

 Change of underlying fund for the AXA Global Equity Value Fund (63kB PDF)

July 2013

 Reduction to Withdrawal Fee from 1 July 2013 (104kB PDF)

July 2013

 Product update and continuous disclosure (44kB PDF)

July 2013

 OnePath and OptiMix Diversified Funds – updated disclosure for Alternative Assets (45kB PDF)

July 2013

 BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund update – transition to a replacement fund (41kB PDF)

June 2013

 Strategic asset allocation changes to the OnePath Capital Stable and One Path Capital Guaranteed Funds (41kB PDF)

June 2013

 BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund - termination date extended (47kB PDF)

April 2013

 Update – BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund (41kB PDF)

March 2013

 AXA funds to adopt AMP branding (44kB PDF)

November 2012

 2012 Annual Statements – additional explanatory notes (57kB PDF)

September 2012

 Product Disclosure Statements – legislation changes 2012 (42kB PDF)

July 2012

 Update on Challenger – introducing Fidante Partners (30 kB PDF)

June 2012

 Strategic asset allocation changes to BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth fund  (49kB PDF)

April 2012

 Corporate Super and Integra Super - product update February 2012 (49kB PDF)

February 2012

 OnePath Significant Event Notice 27 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

 OnePath Significant Event Notice 17 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

Notification of termination and wind-up of investment funds (32 kB PDF)

February 2012

Change to underlying manager of international shares for Perpetual funds (54kB PDF)

September 2011

2011 Annual Statements - additional explanatory notes (64kB PDF)

July 2011

Important update – OnePath Protected Growth Fund and OnePath Protected Growth Fund No.2 (58kB PDF)

July 2011

Schroder Balanced fund (70kB PDF)

April 2011

Corporate Super

Product update Effective date

  End of financial year 2018 - Contribution cut-off times for all locations (364kB PDF)

June 2018

  End of financial year 2017 - documents availability (248kB PDF)

July 2017

  Federal Budget 2016/17 - proposals now law. (111kB PDF)

June 2017

  End of financial year - Key dates (343kB PDF)

June 2017

  Product Update - 2017 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (82kB PDF)

May 2017

  Changes to investment structure for Vanguard Funds (28kB PDF)

September 2016

  End of financial year 2016 – documents availability (60kB PDF)

September 2016

  Corporate Super Standard Risk Measures 2016 (32kB PDF)

August 2016

  End of financial year - key dates (87kB PDF)

June 2016

  Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy and Stronger Super Levy (87kB PDF)

April 2016

  Insurance - update to the Duty of disclosure for new and existing members (87kB PDF)

December 2015

  Changes to strategic asset allocation for Perpetual funds (87kB PDF)

November 2015

  UBS name change November 2015 (60kB PDF)

November 2015

  Changes to the OnePath Alternatives Growth Fund  (42kB PDF)

September 2015

  End of financial year document availability update  (159kB PDF)

September 2015

  UK Pension Transfers to the OnePath MasterFund  (42kB PDF)

August 2015

  End of financial year document availability  (159kB PDF)

July 2015

  Important information: Employer contribution obligations for SuperStream compliance (262kB PDF)

July 2015

  Corporate Super Notifiable Events - June 2015 (236kB PDF)

June 2015

  End of financial year cut-off times  (262kB PDF)

May 2015

  Product Update - 2015 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy   (20kB PDF)

May 2015

  Corporate Super/Integra BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth Fund   (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  New underlying investment manager for the OnePath Global Emerging Markets Shares Fund  (20kB PDF)

November 2014

  Changes to strategic asset allocation for Perpetual funds  (20kB PDF)

October 2014

  2014 Annual Statements - Additional explanatory notes  (20kB PDF)

October 2014

  SIS Act Superannuation Insurance Changes  (20kB PDF)

July 2014

  Removal of member protection on small balance superannuation accounts - Corporate Super (63kB PDF)

March 2014

  Privacy law changes (20kB PDF)

March 2014

  2013 Annual Statements – additional explanatory notes  (63kB PDF)

August 2013

 Government increases to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (143kB PDF)

August 2013

 Update to Product Disclosure Statement: Standard Risk Measures (104kB PDF)

July 2013

 Change of underlying fund for the AXA Global Equity Value Fund (63kB PDF)

July 2013

 Reduction to Withdrawal Fee from 1 July 2013 (104kB PDF)

July 2013

 Product update and continuous disclosure (44kB PDF)

July 2013

 OnePath and OptiMix Diversified Funds – updated disclosure for Alternative Assets (44kB PDF)

July 2013

 BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund update – transition to a replacement fund (41kB PDF)

June 2013

 Strategic asset allocation changes to the OnePath Capital Stable and One Path Capital Guaranteed Funds (41kB PDF)

June 2013

 BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund - termination date extended (47kB PDF)

April 2013

 Update – BlackRock Asset Allocation Alpha Fund (41kB PDF)

March 2013

 AXA funds to adopt AMP branding (44kB PDF)

November 2012

 Corporate Super Amendment - Legg Mason Global Equity Fund (17kB PDF)

November 2012

 2012 Annual Statements – additional explanatory notes (57kB PDF)

September 2012

 Product Disclosure Statements – legislation changes 2012 (42kB PDF)

July 2012

 Update on Challenger – introducing Fidante Partners  (41kB PDF)

June 2012

 Strategic asset allocation changes to BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth fund (48kB PDF)

April 2012

 Corporate Super and Integra Super – product update February 2012 (49kB PDF)

February 2012

 OnePath Significant Event Notice 27 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

 OnePath Significant Event Notice 17 Feb 2012 (68kB PDF)

February 2012

Notification of termination and wind-up of investment funds (32kB PDF)

February 2012

Change to underlying manager of international shares for Perpetual funds (54kB PDF)

September 2011

Flood levy on lump sum superannuation payments from 1 July 2011 (56kB PDF)

August 2011

2011 Annual Statements – additional explanatory notes (64kB PDF)

July 2011

Important update – OnePath Protected Growth Fund and OnePath Protected Growth Fund No.2 (58kB PDF)

July 2011

Schroder Balanced fund (70kB PDF)

April 2011

ANZ Cash Plus

Product update Date

  Privacy law changes (20kB PDF)

Mrch 2014

General updates

Product update Date

 Customer Notice & PDS Update – More Flexible Super changes (330 kB)

August 2021

 EOFY 2021 – Statement Availability (338 kB)

July 2021

 Customer Notice – Reduction of the minimum pension continues into 2021/22 (175 kB)

June 2021

 Customer Notice – Federal Budget 2021/22 (173 kB)

June 2021

  EOFY 2021 - Contribution cut-off dates (221kB PDF)

May 2021

  EOFY 2020 – Annual Statement Availability (144kB PDF)

July 2020

  EOFY 2020 – Contribution cut-off dates (507kB PDF)

May 2020

  End of Financial Year mailing dates - 2019 (89kB PDF)

July 2019

  Important information about superannuation and pension products (33kB PDF)

May 2019

  EOFY 2019 - contribution cut-off dates  (270kB PDF)

May 2019

  Federal Budget 2016/17 - proposals now law. (111kB PDF)

June 2017

  End of financial year - Key dates (343kB PDF)

June 2017

  Product Update - 2017 Annual Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Levy (82kB PDF)

May 2017

  End of financial year 2016 – documents availability (60kB PDF)

September 2016

  Federal Budget 2016/17 - Superannuation (88kB PDF)

July 2016

  End of financial year - key dates (159kB PDF)

June 2016

  Insurance - update to the Duty of disclosure for new and existing members (87kB PDF)

December 2015

  End of financial year document availability update (159kB PDF)

September 2015

  UK Pension Transfers to the OnePath MasterFund (42kB PDF)

August 2015

  End of financial year document availability (159kB PDF)

July 2015

  Important information: Employer contribution obligations for SuperStream compliance (262kB PDF)

July 2015

  Change to the dishonoured cheque processing procedure (29kB PDF)

May 2015

  End of financial year cut-off times  (262kB PDF)

May 2015

 Continuous Disclosure Notice - Performance Benchmark Changes (24kB PDF)

February 2015

 Privacy law changes (20kB PDF)

March 2014

 Removal of member protection on small balance superannuation accounts (20kB PDF)

December 2013

Change of distribution frequency for some investment funds (56kB PDF)

January 2013

 AXA funds to adopt AMP branding (44kB PDF)

November 2012

2012 Annual Statements – additional explanatory notes (57kB PDF)

September 2012

Change of name for holding company (64kB PDF)

July 2012

Notification of termination and wind-up of investment funds (32 kB PDF)

February 2012

2011 Annual Statements - additional explanatory notes (64kB PDF)

July 2011

Schroder Balanced fund (70kB PDF)

April 2011

Improvements to OnePath’s transaction processing (64kb PDF)

March 2011

 Important information on contributing to superannuation for members aged 65 and over (54kb PDF)

March 2010

 ING Capital Guaranteed - fund changes (55kb PDF)


 Contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) (66kb PDF)