
Fund details, unit prices & performance history

Find out about any recent enhancements to your investment, or use our search function below to get the latest performance figures for your fund. 


Tool tip - use a watch list and save time!

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Investment returns - monthly updates

These are updated on a monthly basis.  Please see the file for the publish date.





Login to save a personal list of funds in your watchlist.  Simply search for your fund, select the checkbox next to the fund name, then select the 'Add to my watchlist' button.  Your watchlist will be available every time you are logged in, and can be easily updated or  removed.



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Investment in a OnePath product can only be made by completing the application form accompanying the current Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the relevant OnePath product. Applications may only be made by persons receiving the PDS in Australia. We recommend that investors read carefully the current PDS for the relevant OnePath product and obtain their own advice before making any decision to invest.