APEX InsightsInsurance > Inspired to seek protection: an adviser’s story

June 2019

Inspired to seek protection: an adviser’s story

OnePath talks to an adviser who created protection for one family inspired by loss in another.

Every Friday morning Nella Griga presented to a business group in her local chapter of Business Network International in the city of Adelaide.

She would talk about what she does as a financial adviser and hoped that it resonated with her network, motiving them on financial matters, and ultimately assisting her with business referrals.

It is not often that a listener felt compelled to take out trauma severity insurance directly afterward hearing her speak. But Jack’s response was exactly that.

That morning, Nella had her topic and presentation ready to go when she received some bad news.

A friend of hers had called to say that she had just lost her brother in law. He was a father of three and had passed suddenly in a tragic accident, uninsured. This left the family without their husband, father and provider.

The wife, also a friend of Nella’s, had no other option than selling the family home in their time of grief. She subsequently told Nella that she wished she knew what Nella did as a financial adviser. That she would have taken out some form of insurance to protect her family had she of been aware.

When Nella arrived to present to the group that Friday, she put aside her prepared talk and spoke of the call she had just taken and of her friend’s tragic predicament. Afterwards, a young father of five approached Nella and asked if she could help him protect his family with coverage.

He was 24 with his own business, so he had a very tight budget. He also knew little about life insurance. But as Nella explains in the video below, Jack was focused on protecting his family.

Don’t let a client's budget be a barrier

The goal of any adviser is to ensure that their clients are protected. When income is tight, this can be a challenge.

In her 14 years of work she has learnt that many clients leave after a consultation without any insurance if it is not within their budget. This can leave them and their families exposed when tragedy strikes.

Nella’s goal is to ensure her clients are protected in a sustainable manner, despite the budget constraints that they may be dealing with. In this case, both Nella and the client were happy with the outcome as they knew that Jack had some coverage in place.


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