APEX InsightsLearn > APEX Business Transformation > Modules


APEX Business Transformation - Modules

Seven masterclass workshops are available, all backed by practical support tools to help you implement real change in your business.

APEX Business Transformation will be delivered through a combination of online content, tools, calculators and webinars. You can complete some or all of the following masterclasses:

Communications Masterclass

This module distils the very best of behavioural psychology, behavioural science and neuropsychology into an actionable and effective toolkit for you to employ to interact better with your clients and teams.

Key outcomes

  • Understand your clients’ thinking processes and how this affects their communication.
  • Learn to apply the tools and framework to any communication situation for best results.
  • Work on your communication challenges and develop strategies to solve them.


Engagement Masterclass

This module is a synthesis of the best ‘hacks’ of world-class facilitators and presenters. From preparation, to mindset and delivery, there’s no faster way to improve your communications impact.

Key outcomes

  • Gain knowledge of the tools to help you improve how you present to clients.
  • Understand how you can give yourself the edge in face to face conversations.
  • Have a methodology that can be scaled throughout your advisory.


Strategic Problem Solving

This module delivers a framework for strategically solving any business problem, moving beyond traditional models and methods and taking a more creative approach to problem solving.

Key outcomes

  • Understand the principles of great strategic thinking and be able to apply them to your business and clients.
  • Understand how to shift your mindset to see problems from entirely new angles.
  • Have a framework to confidently work through issues alongside your client to add extraordinary value.


Smart Decision System

This module takes you through the essential dimensions of good decision making. You’ll learn the specific methods and processes to learn how to make better decisions, and mitigate the risk of making bad ones.

Key outcomes

  • Understand your/your clients’ decision-making style and identify key areas for improvement and growth.
  • Address and remove decision risk around major decisions, both personal and business.
  • Have a framework through which you can coach a client to a better decision in as little as 10 minutes.


Selling your difference

This module will help you explain why people should choose your business — whether you’re selling to new clients, engaging referral partners or talking to existing clients.

Key outcomes

  • Gain a deeper understanding of what clients want from you.
  • Develop your brand positioning and brand personality.
  • Develop a clear value proposition and elevator pitch.


Attracting new clients: Marketing and sales

This module uses best practice marketing tools to help you find new prospects and improve your conversations with new clients and referral sources.

Key outcomes

  • Gain a deeper understanding of how clients find your business.
  • Learn how to address common client concerns in new ways.
  • Develop a marketing Work In Progress and tactical marketing plan to help quantify where time and expenditure delivers a better return on investment.


Retaining your existing clients

This module covers the systems, skills and tools that will help you retain your clients. For the first time we’re also sharing statistics on when and why OneCare customers clients leave.

Key outcomes

  • Understand why clients leave and how to prevent it.
  • Develop a post-advice client journey.
  • Develop a content strategy to engage existing clients.



If you’re looking for something shorter, the following six bite-sized workshops are also available.

  1. Know Thy Client
  2. Creating Raving Fans
  3. Rethinking the Annual Review
  4. Effective Communication
  5. Amplify Your Expertise
  6. Marketing Life Hacks

Contact your Business Development Manager for more information.


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