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Our Latest Webinars

Catch up or refresh your knowledge by watching our most recent webinar series from November/December 2019.

1. Get FASEA Ready Webinars  2. Other Topics

Get FASEA Ready Webinars

Discussing your real life ethical dilemmas: Case Study Clinic – Session 1 & 2

Following our previous webinar on “Ethics Essentials and the FASEA Code of Ethics” financial advisers are invited to submit scenarios or real-life situations where you have faced ethical dilemmas in your role.

$100 today or $105 tomorrow? Understanding behavioural finance biases – Session 1

Mike Daniels, founder of The Behavioural Architects Australia, returns for our second look into the world of Behavioural Finance. During this session, you'll learn about the most common cognitive biases that affect people's decision making. Learn why people prefer to make no decision at all, why people put things off for the future and why we feel loss twice as much as a gain.

Creating your own mental training plan

Vanessa Bennett is back in a session that will help you understand the mental health/ill heath continuum to determine a mental training plan for you. She’ll also provide you with some practical tools to improve and maintain your mental fitness during the pressure of exam time

A Good Night’s Sleep is Great for your Mental Health and Wellbeing

Sleep is as important to our health as eating, drinking and breathing. It allows our bodies to repair themselves and our brains to consolidate our memories and process information. Poor sleep is linked to physical problems such as a weakened immune system and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. This webinar will discuss why sleep matters, explore our sleep cycles and provide practical tips for quality sleep.

Winning tips to nail the FASEA exam

Yvonne Chu, Head of Technical Service and Professional Development at Australian Unity successfully sat the FASEA exam in June, will take you through her winning tips and personal study plan that will help you get the best results

Why Easy to Pronounce Stocks are More Attractive & other financial decisions that don't make sense - Session 1

Mike Daniels, founder of The Behavioural Architects Australia, introduces you to the surprising and sometimes irrational world of Behavioural Finance. Find out why easy to prounounce stocks perform better over the short term and how a Rolls Royce can be presented as a cheap alternative. In the first of two webinars, Mike provides an introduction to Behavioural Finance and the key principles that guide financial decision making. After this webinar you will have a better understanding of why your clients don't always make the most optimal financial decisions.


Rewiring your brain to conquer stress

Vanessa Bennett is back with a fresh new session that will help you identify and understand the external factors relating to inability to handle stress which leads to issues with brain wiring and understand these wiring issues and how thoughts and responses affect our brains. This session will get your mind set exam-ready by understanding the neuroscience of stress and breathing to reset the amygdala and the neuroscience of negative automated thoughts leading to intermediate beliefs leading to core beliefs

Ethics Essentials and the FASEA Code of Ethics – Session 1

This webinar will deliver a practical introduction to ethics – applicable to professionals working in financial advice. The content will be relevant, informative and engaging. Following the foundations of ethics, the webinar will lead into the recently introduced FASEA Code of Ethics – including the five values of Trustworthiness, Competence, Honesty, Fairness and Diligence, and the 12 Standards


Other Topics

Stress-Resilient Mindful Leadership

Research suggests that the inner world of the executive has remained largely neglected. For example, we rarely train leaders and managers to manage themselves. Vital qualities in today’s business world are “stress-resiliency” & psychological flexibility” – an ability to deal with constant change and uncertainty, to recover from adversity and respond effectively.

The Ins and Outs of Super TPD Payments

We all hope our clients never have to claim on their TPD cover but if they do we want to ensure they are well placed to receive the benefits. Join as we consider the implications of super funding TPD cover via super. We take a look at a case study covering some of the strategies for benefit payments including how super disability income streams can play an important role in positioning our clients.

Tug of War (Investment Market Update)

This presentation will look at the tensions in the current business cycle, key economic developments, and the response of capital markets. Can corporate profitability recover to provide fundamental support to current market levels or will geopolitical tensions prove problematic?

Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Workplace

This webinar will explore the benefits of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace through developing positive approaches that focus on the positive aspects of work and employee strengths

Tax Implications of Life Insurance

Financial planners can provide significant value for their clients by explaining the taxation implications of life insurance and the strategic opportunities to manage tax. Whether life policies should be owned personally, through a business structure or by a superannuation fund can be a complex decision. An understanding how tax may apply is one important consideration to help provide an effective outcome for your clients. Join us on a wild ride as we explore the tax implications of life insurance.

Building Resilience for Financial Advice Businesses

As the largest employment sector in Australia, small businesses are likely to encounter mental health issues in their workplace at some point. Being a SME owner can be challenging because you have multiple responsibilities, therefore it is important that SME owners are aware of their own mental health needs.

Cost of Care

Zurich’s award-winning Cost of Care Program is an industry first that aims to expand the understanding of the healthcare, social security and insurance ecosystem, in turn, allowing for more informed decision making about the most appropriate mechanisms to protect one’s financial wellbeing. In this bite-sized session you will get insights from our Risk Specialist on how likelihood and cost insights could be positioned to enhance a consumer’s willingness to purchase insurance and learn how to articulate with clarity the risk your clients absorbs if they opt out of purchasing a protection solution.

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Contact us on insurancesales@onepath.com.au

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The information is of a general nature and has been prepared without taking into account a potential or existing investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Investors should consider whether the information is appropriate for them having regard to their objectives, financial situation or needs. For any product referred to above, OnePath Life recommends that investors read any relevant offer document or product disclosure statement and consider if the product is appropriate to them. For products issued by OnePath Life, these documents are available at access.onepathsuperinvest.com.au.

Past performance is not indicative of future performance and any case study shown is for illustrative purposes only. Neither are a prediction of the actual outcomes which will be achieved. Where tax or technical information is included, the information is our interpretation of the law and does not represent tax advice. An investor is advised to obtain professional advice relevant to their individual circumstances.