
Diversified Multi-Manager funds


OnePath offers a range of funds which invest in a mix of OptiMix and index based investments. This approach recognises that better diversification is obtained when investments are spread across managers and asset classes, with an element of index funds for greater consistency.

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Key benefits

Effective diversification
Diversification means that to reduce risk and protect your portfolio against market volatility, you don’t put all your ‘eggs into one basket’ but spread your money across different investment managers and asset classes to provide more consistent returns. These funds diversify across asset classes, investment styles, markets and managers. Using a rigorous process, OnePath Diversified Multi-Manager funds select a range of highly regarded specialist investment managers to manage individual asset classes to achieve enhanced performance.

Active management
The managers, asset classes and markets are continuously researched, assessed and monitored by OnePath's investment specialists, who then blend these portfolios with a range of index fund options.

Consistency of returns
Index funds invest in a portfolio of assets that match a particular investment index. The inclusion of index funds provides smoother performance against nominated benchmarks, which in turn ensures that performance is more likely to be within expectations. The majority of investors’ capital will be in active managers, ensuring an ongoing opportunity is pursued to outperform fund benchmarks.

Fund range and access

Fund range

Fund Strategy Investor Profile

OnePath Conservative

Active/Passive Blend


OnePath Income

Active/Passive Blend


OnePath Balanced

Active/Passive Blend


OnePath Active Growth

Active/Passive Blend


OnePath Managed Growth

Active/Passive Blend


OnePath High Growth

Active/Passive Blend

High Growth


Whether you want to build your super, provide an income stream in your retirement, or increase your wealth over the long term the OnePath Diversified Multi-Manager suite of funds has an all in one solution for you.

Diversified Multi-Manager funds are currently available on the following OnePath platforms:

OneAnswer Frontier Investment Portfolio
OneAnswer  Frontier Personal Super
OneAnswer Frontier Pension
Investment Wrap Solutions 
Superannuation Wrap Solutions
Pension Wrap Solutions 
Wholesale Investment Trusts

The information on this site is of a general nature and has been prepared without taking into account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) before deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, the product.