Current rates.

Current interest rates

Below you will find current rates for OnePath's investment options.

Investment options Interest rates
  • ANZ Term Deposits
  • ANZ Cash Advantage
  • ANZ Prime Cash Management Account
  • ANZ Flexible Term Deposit Fund.

View all current interest rates

ANZ Term Deposits

Offers a choice of term deposits with a fixed rate return over a wide range of investment terms.

ANZ Cash Advantage

A cash investment that provides a competitive variable interest rate and the ability to invest without being locked into a fixed term.

ANZ Prime Cash Management Account

A cash management account through OneAnswer Pension that provides those over age 60 with the ability to access a pre-determined amount of their retirement savings At-Call via ANZ branches, ATMs, phone or Internet banking and BPAY®. The ANZ Prime Cash Management Account (Fund) is closed to new investments from 27 August 2021. This means only pension members with existing investments in this Fund can continue to transact and hold the Fund, including for switch, pension payment and withdrawal. Note, the At-Call access is only available to pension members who have funds invested in the Fund.

ANZ Flexible Term Deposit Fund

The ANZ Flexible Term Deposit Fund invests directly in ANZ bank deposits. Please note, effective 12 April 2010 the ANZ Flexible Term Deposit Fund is closed to new investments. This means that new and existing clients can no longer make initial or additional investments, switch into or establish new regular investment or auto-rebalance plans in respect of the ANZ Flexible Term Deposit Fund.

Need more information?

Speak to your financial adviser about accessing these and other investment options available through OneAnswer.