Adviser insurance onecare



Life Cover

Life Cover pays a lump sum, or equivalent instalments, if your client dies or is diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Helpful for:

    • Clearing the mortgage and other debts
    • Funding business buyouts
    • Covering living expenses

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover pays a lump sum, or equivalent instalments, if your client is disabled as a result of sickness or injury.

Helpful for:

    • Clearing the mortgage and other debts
    • Covering the long-term costs of care

Trauma Cover

Trauma Cover pays a lump sum, or equivalent instalments, if your client is diagnosed with a specified medical condition.

Best for:

    • Covering immediate medical bills
    • Reducing working hours
    • Paying for a holiday
Income Secure Cover

Income Secure Cover

Income Secure Cover pays a monthly benefit of up to 80% of your client’s income if they can’t work because of sickness or injury.

Helpful for:

    • Covering day-to-day bills and expenses
    • Taking the financial pressure off the recovery period

Business Expense Cover

Business Expense Cover pays a monthly benefit to cover your client’s fixed business expenses if they are totally or partially disabled.


Best for:

    • Maintaining business cashflow
    • Keeping your client’s business running

Living Expense Cover

Living Expense Cover pays an agreed monthly benefit if your client is significantly disabled.

Helpful for:

    • Protecting home-makers, casual workers, retirees and those not eligible for Income Secure Cover

Extra Care Cover

Extra Care Cover is a top-up option on the other OneCare policies – allowing your client to add cover for terminal illness, accidental death, and needle stick injuries. 


Helpful for:

    • Affordable top-ups to existing policies
    • Those who work in the medical industry

OneCare is issued by OnePath Life Limited (OnePath Life) ABN 33 009 657, 176 AFSL 238341. OneCare Super is issued by OnePath Custodians Pty Limited (OnePath Custodians) ABN 12 008 508 496, AFSL 238346. OnePath Life is not a related body corporate of OnePath Custodians.

This information is of a general nature and has been prepared without taking into account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. We recommend that you read the OneCare Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available here, or by calling 132 062 before deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, the product.

OnePath Life has adopted the Life Insurance Code of Practice, which contains minimum standards of service that customers can expect from insurers. The Code can be found at