
Here you will find a comprehensive range of calculators to help you and your clients.

Underwriting pre-assessment calculators

Pre-Assessment Wizard (PAW)
Provides an immediate indicative underwriting assessment for up to six pre-existing medical conditions for each of your OneCare clients.

Income protection earnings calculator – single entities
Calculates the insurable income and maximum monthly benefit for simple (single entity) business structures.

Income protection earnings calculator – multiple entities
Calculates the insurable income and maximum monthly benefit for complex (multiple entity) business structures.

Term Cover Dashboard – self employed
Calculates Life, TPD and trauma sums insured relevant to your clients’ circumstances. This calculator is designed for the self-employed or for those that have an ownership interest in the business.

Income protection mining/oil & gas industry calculator
Calculates the insurable income and maximum monthly benefit for your clients that are employed in either the mining or oil & gas industries.

Adviser calculators

Technical calculators

Account based pension calculator   

This calculator provides a projection of future payments from an account based pension 

Aged care calculator

This calculator provides an estimate of aged care fees and charges. The calculator also provides social security entitlements.

Anti-detriment calculator

This calculator is designed to estimate potential detriment payments made on qualifying death benefits.

Co-contribution calculator

This calculator determines eligibility for the co-contribution, estimates the entitlement and calculates the contribution required to maximise the entitlement, provides a projection of future payments from an account based pension.

Disability lump sum calculator

The disability superannuation benefits calculator works out the tax free component of a qualifying disability superannuation benefit.

Insurance via superannuation calculator

This calculator is suitable for working out the level of death and TPD cover to be funded through super where the user has entered the required net-of-tax death or TPD payout. It will also compare the cost of holding cover outside super versus funding cover through super via pre-tax contributions.

Low Income Health Care Card calculator

This calculator is suitable for calculating a resident's qualification for the low income health care card.

Lump sum death benefit calculator

This calculator helps to ascertain the components that will make up, and the tax that will be witheld from, a superannuation death benefit.

Pension and pension bonus scheme calculator

This calculator provides an estimate of the rate of most income support pensions and Pension Bonus Scheme amounts. It is suitable for the following payments: Age Pension (including the Pension Bonus Scheme), Disability Support Pension, Carer Payment, Widow's Pension, Wife's Pension, Service Pension and Partner's Service Pension, War Widow(er)'s Pension and Income Support Supplement (ISS).

Personal income tax calculator

This calculator will determine personal income tax.

Recontribution calculator

This calculator assists with optimising withdrawal amounts when implementing a recontribution strategy on behalf of someone who is at least age 55 but under age 60.

Variables taken into consideration include the member's fund balance and tax component split, unrestricted non-preserved amount, remaining non-concessional contributions cap and unused low rate cap. In addition to indicating the optimal withdrawal amount, the calculator will provide the tax component split of the superannuation withdrawal.

Salary sacrifice calculator

This calculator is designed to show the impact of putting in place a salary sacrifice agreement versus the client's original paid salary.

Tax deduction for personal contributions after partial rollover/withdrawal

This calculator will determine the tax deduction which may be claimed for personal contributions, where a single partial rollover or withdrawal occurs after making the contribution but prior to lodging a valid notice of intent to claim a tax deduction.

Transition to retirement calculator for the 2018/19 financial year

This calculator is suitable for estimating the benefit of the transition to retirement (TTR) / salary sacrifice strategy. 

Product-specific calculators

OneCare Insurance - Mining, Oil and Gas Industry

This calculator outlines the Income Secure Cover amounts and guaranteed benefit levels that may be available (subject to underwriting) to workers in the Mining, Oil and Gas Industry. It also indicates if Life, TPD and Trauma covers will be available (subject to underwriting) and whether underground or offshore time is permitted for the specified occupation.

It is advised that you utilise the calculator prior to processing a quote through Illustrator.

OneAnswer Pricing and Asset Allocation Calculator

This calculator allows you to determine the fees and asset allocation for your client’s OneAnswer account. The fees and adviser payments calculated are based on the current OneAnswer PDS, and are indicative of the account balance for the first calendar year of the account.

Additional calculation options enable comparison of the ongoing fees for your client’s current OneAnswer account versus a change you are proposing. You can also compare the difference in fees for a single manager portfolio versus an OptiMix multi-manager solution accessed through OneAnswer.

Ensure your Internet browser is set to ‘Accept pop-ups’ to allow the calculator to function correctly.

OneAnswer Insurance premium calculator

The calculator allows you to estimate a client’s annual premium based on the type of cover required, age, sex, smoking status, occupation classification, and commission taken. Please note that the insurance premium calculator provides an estimated annual premium only and does not take into account specific loadings which may apply due to pre-existing health conditions or specific occupations.

IP Stronger Super Calculator

This calculator looks at the funding impacts of Income Protection via Super versus non-super held Income Protection..

Please note that the calculations do not take into account tax.


OptiMix Diversification Calculator

This calculator allows you to determine the multi-manager allocation of your client’s investment into OptiMix funds. It also provides a visual illustration of the high level of diversification that can be achieved using OptiMix.

Ensure your Internet browser is set to ‘Accept pop-ups’ to allow the calculator to function correctly.

Calculators for clients

Saving your Super Calculator
The calculator can be used to estimate the net cost and future cash flow impacts in retirement of funding cover inside or outside of super.

Multi-Generational Protection Tool
Allows you to estimate the potential impact on years of retirement cash flow available to retirees experiencing the financial impact of caring for a sick, disabled or dependant person.

Investor risk profiler calculator
This questionnaire will provide your clients with an investor profile which may help you determine the investment fund(s) most suitable for them

Budget planner
This tool allows clients to allocate their weekly income to different types of expenses to help them keep tabs on where their money is going.

More tools to support you in your client superannuation conversations are available in the Manage and grow your super section of the OnePath website. A range of short educational videos are also available to help you explain the basics of super to your clients.

If you would like to use the videos or calculators on your website please contact your Business Development Manager.