Our cover options

We work with you to understand the needs of your employees or members to tailor an insurance package that is competitive and sustainably priced.

OnePath Group Insurance can be owned as an Ordinary policy (outside of super) or through super. One of the key features is that default cover or cover up to the automatic acceptance level is available for all members of a plan, without regard to their medical history where it is provided on a compulsory or opt-out basis.

Group life insurance

Group Life Insurance can be a great way to add value to employees’ remuneration packages and strengthen your Fund or Employer Value Proposition.

We offer the following types of cover:

  • Death Cover
  • Terminal Illness Cover
  • Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover

Download our Group Life Insurance - Product Disclosure Statement for more information.

Key benefits^

  • Automatic level of cover without any medical checks for most plans
  • Premiums are generally lower than comparable Retail or individual cover
  • 24-hour worldwide cover
  • Cover during employer approved paid and unpaid leave
  • Cover during overseas employment

Group Salary Continuance (GSC) Insurance

GSC Insurance can cover up to 75% of a member’s or employee’s monthly salary if they’re unable to work due to illness or injury.

We will pay a total benefit if the member is off work or a partial benefit if the member returns to work in a reduced capacity.

We also offer a number of supplementary benefits and optional features so we can tailor a package that best suits your members’ and employees’ needs.

Download our Group Salary Continuance Insurance - Product Disclosure Statement for more information.

Key benefits

  • Rehabilitation services for GSC claimants
  • Can be tailored




Tailored solutions

 Call us for more information:


Dimitri Honos 02 8937 8750


Patricia Theodor 02 8937 9493

Industry Funds & Public Sector Funds

Margaret Kerr 03 8654 1601

Lucy Taylor 03 8655 1962



Fast quotes for plans with 20 to 100 members or employees

Our Group Insurance Premium Calculator offers instant quotes for plans with 20 to 100 members or employees, for Group Life Insurance and GSC Insurance.


^As outlined in the policy.