Our technology & innovation

We’re committed to delivering innovative technology that makes insurance easy and transparent for our partners, their members and employees. Here’s how you can benefit:

For our partners

Quick quotes

Group insurance premium calculator provides you with instant quotes for plans with 20 to 100 eligible members or employees, with or without GSC insurance. It’s fast and easy to get started:

  1. register for access to Illustrator , our online application system. Once this is confirmed;
  2. email group.quotes@onepath.com.au with the full name and email address used for your Illustrator account. You’ll then receive a confirmation email with access to the premium calculator in Illustrator and a guide on how to make the most if it.

Transparency of claims, underwriting and reporting

RiskWorks Insurance Manager is our online platform and is available exclusively to our Group insurance partners. It offers:

  • self-service reporting with data extract capability
  • online claims status tracking and claims history
  • ability to keep track of and manage underwriting applications
  • materials for members engagement and education
  • key documents and industry trends

RiskWorks MyClaim, is our online platform which enables members to track progress of their claim.

RiskWorks MyApp, is our online platform which enables members to track the status of their insurance applcation.

Stay informed with claims reporting

Receive monthly reports on new claims, claims in progress, finalised claims, outstanding requirements and Service Level Agreement claims reporting. Ad hoc reports can also be requested when required.

Secure sharing of confidential information

Secure Information Exchange allows you to send and receive sensitive information about your Group Insurance plan securely.

For our members or employees

Flexible cover online

Electronic Application (E-App) allows online applications for additional cover in minutes and tailoring cover that better meets individual needs.

Seamless paperless claims

Tele-claims allows online lodgement of claims for Terminal Illness, TPD and GSC which can speed up the assessment process and payment of benefits.

Stay informed with SMS notifications

SMS notifications confirming receipt of a claim, follow-ups on outstanding requirements and upcoming claims payments are sent to those receiving GSC benefits.